
About Price Harding

Price is Chairman of CarterBaldwin, which has grown to be one of the forty largest Executive Search firms in the US. Over his thirty-year executive search career, he has been principal consultant on more than 1,000 successfully completed recruiting engagements for C-Level leaders, Officers, and Directors for privately held and publicly traded companies. Price also co-leads CarterBaldwin’s rapidly growing university and nonprofit search practice. Prior to entering the recruitment industry, Price served as Director of Operations for an equipment manufacturing company. In addition to his responsibilities at CarterBaldwin, Price is an avid angel investor through Terminus Ventures Investments and serves on multiple private company boards, and on the boards of Trustees of The Heritage Foundation and the Trinity Forum.   His articles have appeared in various publications and he has been quoted in INC Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlanta Business Chronicle, and numerous industry and trade magazines. Price received his Bachelors in Theology from Baptist University of America, and conducted Masters level studies in Pastoral Counseling at Temple Baptist Seminary in Chattanooga. Price and his wife Nancy have two married daughters and four grandchildren. Read more ...

Five Mistakes to Avoid in Leadership Transitions

As an executive search firm, we have led more than 100 searches to find CEOs for the world’s largest faith-based nonprofits. In every instance, there is a board who is strongly committed to the future of the institution, and in every instance, there is great intent to assure that the transition from the incumbent to the [...]

The Single Most Important Role of a CEO

Even as I write the title, I know that it is audacious. Nobody could so precisely synthesize the unending responsibilities of a CEO into a single most important role. But we believe there is one … A simple search of the internet indicates that this is not the first time someone has attempted to crystalize the [...]

Measuring Trust

When we conduct a search for an executive who will succeed in a leadership role with one of our clients we take into consideration what we believe to be the four critical components of a successful “fit.”  These elements of fit include the skill set that the executive brings to the table, the cultural match with [...]

When Servant Leadership becomes…Leader Servantship

I taught high school Sunday School for nearly a decade.  One of my students was the quarterback of the local football team, and whenever I asked him a question that he was not sure of the answer, he would smile real big and slowly say “Jesus”?   No kidding…he got a scholarship to Princeton. As “Jesus” was [...]

Top 10 Reasons to Consider External Candidates

In that we are an executive search firm, it may seem fairly self-serving to include, in our newsletter, an article advocating external hires. The obvious truth is that our entire industry goes away if organizations quit recruiting leadership from the outside. And yet, surprisingly, internal promotions are equally critical to the success of the executive search [...]

The Decision to Hire – Not a “No-Brainer”

Some years ago, I placed Diana (true story - but not her real name) as a mid-level executive in a fairly large financial services company that had offices and people distributed across the globe. The role Diana accepted was brand new and was still being defined, but her future boss had assured Diana that the two [...]

The Components of Christian Calling

What is God’s will for my life?  Anyone who has ever led a small group or a Sunday school class of high school or college age students will recognize this as the most frequently asked question and the most popular topic of study.  This article is not about that. But it is about a parallel topic [...]

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